«PROMF» Industry Group
tel.: +38-050-63-62-911 viber

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Supplier of equipments for food industry
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General information about the PROMF industrial group

The main products of the industrial group "PROMF" - the equipment for the food industry:

  • for the dairy industry - shop and milk processing lines;
  • for the meat industry - for the production of meat products, canned goods;
  • containers for food;
  • equipment for the confectionery industry.

We have delivered more than one shop and milk processing plant, production of meat, juice, wine, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, canned vegetables, pasta, and bread, chocolates, caramels, halva, biscuits, chocolate, beer, spirits and soft drinks.
Our experts will build for you any food business under the key!

Industrial group "PROMF" performs all the steps to prepare for the launch of processing lines for the food industry, from the creation of the project, which will fulfill our designers, supply and installation, to full commissioning.

Great experience in the food machinery specialists distinguish "PROMF" from similar offerings in the market. Impeccable quality of the final product and ensures reliable use of imported materials.

We complete the company as the new and refurbished second-hand equipment - so we can always pick the best option for you at the price and quality. In addition, because of the unique design features of products "PROMF" significantly increases the life of the equipment, and the cost of the repair and maintenance times are reduced.

Now that the occupation "PROMF" crossed the 10-year milestone, management determined stages of further development of the company. A short-term plans - to reduce production costs by automating, optimizing the production process, as well as expand the range of products, in parallel increasing volumes of production.

Our address and contact details

Ukraine, 36000, Poltava. str. Red Army 3
tel.: 38050-63-62-911
Head: Victor Alexandrovich

Road map