DONI®Plastformer is integrated in the production lines for kashkaval, pizza cheese, suluguni and other pasta filata which require a dense structure and lower water content. The maximum production output can reach up to 1 000 kg/h finished product. It is usually used for moulding into different shapes from 1 000 g to 9 000 g. Cheddared /pH 5,2÷5,4/ curd blocks with sizes ranging from 150 mm to 150 mm and a length from 300 to 500mm are fed in the module. They are cut with a disc cutter into pieces around 3mm thick and enter a specially constructed U pipe along with the brine which is heated to 72-76°С. During the movement of the mixture in the U pipe the temperature of the curd pieces increases to 60 - 63°С and they become soft and malleable. At the same time they undergo a brining process absorbing the dissolved salt. The quantity of the absorbed salt depends on the concentration of the hot brine.
The unused brine is drained through the perforated rotating drum for reuse. In the drum the curd pieces stick to one another and the initial homogenisation of the cooked curd begins.